APPLY FOR COACHING TODAY! What Coach Are You Applying For? * Alexa Endicott Cody Endicott Email * What Is Your Phone Number * Name * First Name Last Name How Old Are You? * What is Your Height * What is Your Current Weight? * Are You A Lifestyle Client or Looking To Compete? * Lifestyle Competitor Or Wanting To Be One When Was Your Last Blood Work Panel? * MM DD YYYY Do You Have Any Injuries? * Do You Have Any Food Allergies? * Do You Have Any Food Dislikes? * Are You On Any Medications? If so, please list all and what they are for * Do You Use Any Recreational Drugs? Ex. Marijuana, Alcohol, Adderall, etc. How Many Days Are You Able and Willing To Commit To The Gym? * What Time Do You Prefer To Workout? * What Do You Do For Work and What Is Your Daily Schedule Look Like? * Are You Currently Using Any Supplements? Please lis them all. * What Are Your Current Health/Fitness/Physique Goals? * On A Scale of 1-10....How Serious Are You About Hitting Your Goals? Are You Willing To Do What It Takes? * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Are you willing and able to follow a meal plan or macro plan exactly and follow all workouts/cardio sessions that I prescribe? If not, please understand that by not following this plan you will not get to the goals we set here. * Yes I am ready to work! No I am not willing and able I understand that I should consult my physician prior to starting an exercise and diet program. I hereby intend to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, and executors, and waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I might have against Endless Evolution Fitness for any injuries or losses as a result of any diet, supplementation, or training advice I may receive. Yes No **Disclaimer- Cody Endicott is not a Doctor. Exercise programs and advice are for entertainment purposes only based off of years of experience. Programs are not meant to be copied or redistributed in any way. Always consult with your physician on any matters regarding your health** * I understand Thank you!